Streamline Your Payroll: How to Import Timesheet Entries into QuickBooks Desktop

Managing payroll can be a time-consuming task for any business, but QuickBooks Desktop offers powerful tools to simplify and streamline this process. One such tool is the ability to import timesheet entries directly into QuickBooks Desktop, which can save time, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps necessary to import timesheet entries into QuickBooks Desktop, ensuring that your payroll process is both accurate and efficient.

Why Import Timesheet Entries?

Before diving into the how-to, it’s important to understand why importing timesheet entries can be beneficial:

  • Time-Saving: Manually entering timesheet data can be tedious and prone to errors. Importing entries can significantly reduce the time spent on this task.
  • Accuracy: Automated imports reduce the risk of human error, ensuring that your payroll calculations are accurate.
  • Efficiency: Streamlining the process allows your payroll department to focus on other critical tasks, improving overall efficiency.

Preparing Your Timesheet Data

To successfully import timesheet entries into QuickBooks Desktop, your data must be formatted correctly. Follow these steps to prepare your data:

  1. Gather Timesheet Data: Collect timesheet data from your employees. This could be in the form of spreadsheets, CSV files, or time-tracking software exports.
  2. Format the Data: Ensure the data includes necessary details such as employee names, dates, hours worked, and job codes. It’s crucial that this information is organized in a structured format that QuickBooks Desktop can read.

Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Timesheet EntriesStep 1: Open QuickBooks Desktop

Launch QuickBooks Desktop and open the company file where you want to import the timesheet entries.

Step 2: Backup Your Company File

Before making any changes, create a backup of your QuickBooks company file. This ensures you can restore your data if anything goes wrong during the import process.

  • Go to File > Back Up Company > Create Local Backup.
  • Follow the prompts to create a backup and save it to a secure location.

Step 3: Access the Import Function

  • Go to the File menu.
  • Select Utilities > Import > IIF Files (Intuit Interchange Format).

Step 4: Prepare the IIF File

If your timesheet data is not already in IIF format, you’ll need to convert it. Here’s how:

  • Using Excel or a CSV File: You can use third-party tools or Excel templates to convert your data into IIF format. QuickBooks offers some tools and guidelines for this conversion.
  • Direct Export: Some time-tracking software can export data directly into IIF format, making this process simpler.

Step 5: Import the IIF File

  • In the Import IIF window, click Import IIF.
  • Browse to the location of your IIF file and select it.
  • Click Open to start the import process.

QuickBooks will process the file and import the timesheet entries into your company file. If there are any errors, QuickBooks will provide a log file detailing the issues.

Step 6: Verify the Imported Data

After the import is complete, it’s important to verify that the data has been imported correctly.

  • Go to Employees > Enter Time > Use Weekly Timesheet.
  • Review the timesheet entries to ensure all data is accurate and correctly placed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While importing timesheet entries is generally straightforward, you might encounter some common issues. Here’s how to address them:

  1. Data Formatting Errors: Ensure your IIF file is correctly formatted. QuickBooks has specific requirements for date formats, employee names, and job codes.
  2. Duplicate Entries: If you notice duplicate timesheet entries, ensure your source data does not contain duplicates before importing.
  3. Error Messages: If you receive error messages during import, check the log file provided by QuickBooks. This file will detail the specific issues that need to be resolved.

Best Practices for Importing Timesheet Entries

To ensure a smooth and successful import process, follow these best practices:

  1. Regular Backups: Always backup your QuickBooks company file before performing imports.
  2. Test Imports: Perform test imports with a small subset of your data to ensure everything works correctly before importing all timesheet entries.
  3. Consistent Data Formatting: Maintain a consistent format for your timesheet data to avoid errors during import.
  4. Use Reliable Tools: If using third-party tools to convert or manage data, ensure they are reliable and compatible with QuickBooks Desktop.

Benefits of Importing Timesheet Entries

By importing timesheet entries, you can streamline your payroll process significantly. Here are some key benefits:

  • Efficiency: Automated imports save time and reduce the administrative burden on your payroll department.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of human error, ensuring that employees are paid accurately for their time worked.
  • Productivity: Allows your team to focus on more strategic tasks, improving overall productivity.


Importing timesheet entries into QuickBooks Desktop is a powerful way to streamline your payroll process. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can ensure that your timesheet data is imported accurately and efficiently. This not only saves time but also enhances the accuracy of your payroll, leading to improved employee satisfaction and better financial management. With a well-organized system for importing timesheet entries, your business can operate more smoothly and focus on growth and success.

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